Self Storage Singapore: Improve your productivity & lower your stress through decluttering, using the 5S method.

Self Storage Singapore: In a month’s time, we would have passed the half year 2017 mark. You may find that you are far from achieving your new year’s resolution. Do you know that clutter inhibits creativity, causes undue stress and lowers your productivity. This can be a reason to why you have not achieved your goals. Therefore, a clean and clutter free home and workspace will certiainly help you in better focus and creative thinking.

Clutter has a negative psychological effect. It increases stress level and affects users of the common space negatively. It is therefore important to stay clutter free. However, saying goodbye to beloved possession may be the hardest things for many of us, as we often have emotional attachments to these items.  The items may be costly, has sentimental value or simply a waste to throw or give away and therefore, it has not been cleared away.

Here is one key motivation for you. There are tremendous benefits in decluttering that makes the hard work worthwhile. Once you start decluttering, you can experience positive reinforcement. Things start to look and feel better as you tend to become more productive, less stress. You may also find things you have lost.

A quick way to start decluttering is to adopt the minimalistic approach. Keep things that you seldom use away. Donate or throw them away, or store them with self storage or on-demand storage company, or rent a space to keep these items. Be selective on the items you buy. At the point of purchase, decide if the item is impulsive purchase or necessity. Having the skill to understand what is a clutter, helps to control your clutter.

Besides controlling the clutter, an important aspect of decluttering is to keep your place organised. In a disorganised environment, one always find things missing. The 5S lean approach can be a great way to ensure that your work space is clutter free and important items are always an arm length away.

5S approach to decluttering

The 5S approach has been regarded as one of the best practices to work place organisation by many established companies. It can also be used at home to ensure that your home remains clutter free.

What is 5S?

5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Sort – Eliminate not needed items, Set – Organise whatever remains, Shine – Clean the area, Standardise – Standardise packing, labeling of items, Sustain – Sustain the improvements by control plan and regular review.

Sort(Seri): Store with Self Storage or On Demand Storage

Self Storage and On demand Storage Pack and Store

Sort the things you using a four bin system. Throw away (items you will never need), Store (items you need but not now), Keep Handy (items that you always need, to be kept in the most accesible places) and Unsure bin (items you are unsure if you will use them). If you are unsure if the item is useful, put a tag on the item in the unsure bin and record the next time you use it.

For items that you store, you can consider storing them in the storage room, or build enough storage space to keep them. You should consider storing your items with Self Storage Companies, or On Demand secured storage companies like Pack and Store. Pack and Store provides Free pick up, packing materials and boxes. Tampered evident seals are also provided as an assurance that your boxes are secured from collection to delivery.

The key is to get started. You may start of with an area or room to declutter, if the task is too daunting. Breaking into sections will make the task managable. Identify the area that you focus on and jump right into decluttering.


Set refers to putting the items to keep handy or to store in containers and set an area to store these items. Everything that is to be kept has its places, including items you intend to put in storage or self storage facilities. For instance, frequently used items should be easy to reach, less frequent items to be out of sight in storage areas or self storage facilities, heavy items close to ground to prevent injury, light items at the top and make full use of vertical spaces.

Always dedicate spaces for all items you intent to keep, and to put them back to position every time. All items are to have a place of its own. Always note the maximum and minimum stock to hold at any point in time, to prevent cluttering.


Clean the rooms thoroughly to ensure a clean home or work place. A clean space also ensures safety of the users of the space. It involves regular cleaning of the home or work place, including putting away all used items  at the end of the day the right place.


Define the places that you have set using standardise labels. Using common colour codes for the labels and standardised boxes and containers helps to set keep your home organised.


Always ensure that your place is clutter free by making consistent efforts to decluttering. Tasks to be done for daily, weekly and monthly to keep your place clutter free should be easily available. For example, it is important to shine all rooms once a week, while it is important to sort your home every quarter. Keep the 5S list in a visible and easily accessible area. Always conduct regular checks to ensure that the items are put in place.

In Conclusion: Declutter by Storing with Self Storage or On-Demand Storage

Self Storage: Pack and Store
Clutter free home

A major part of decluttering is to ensure that you are able to identify what is a clutter at the point of purchase, and sustain the 5S efforts. Have regular checks and clean up, to ensure that clutter does not creep in. With a clutter free home, you will find that you have more time and space for things that really matter. Contact Pack and Store now to make space for people and things that really matter to you. Storage place prices starts from $8 per box, with a 20% discount for storages 6 months and more.